Zoology (S2)
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This is our current catalog of in-print Zoology by Fieldiana. Items are subject to availability. Please order by publication number. Shipping charged depending on destination and weight. Please call or email to place an order. Thank you.

S2 (sorted by author)

Author Title Volume Part Year Pages Illustrations Pub # Price
Schwartz, A. Geographic Variation in the Chicken Turtle Deirochelys reticularia Latreille. 34 41 1956 43 6 805 $12.00
Seevers, C. H. New termitophilus Diptera from the Neotropics. 24 18 1941 20 1 490 $10.00
Seevers, C. H. New Subfamily of Beetles Parasitic on Mammals. 28 3 1944 20   555 $10.00
Seevers, C. H. Revision of the North American and European Staphylinid Beetles of the Subtribe Gyrophaenae (Aleocharinae, Bolitocharini). 32 10 1951 108 26 685 $17.00
Seevers, C. H. Revision of the tribe Amblyopinini: Staphylinid Beetles Parasitic on Mammals. 37 8 1955 54 17 757 $15.00
Seevers, C. H. Monograph on the Termitophilous Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). 40   1957 334 42 815 $60.00
Seevers, C. H. Systematics, Evolution and Zoogeography of Staphylinid Beetles Associated with Army Ants (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). 47 2 1965 214 24 988 $35.00
Seevers, C. H. Generic and Tribal Revision of the North American Aleocharinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). 71   1978 289 38 1282 $45.00
Segall, W. Auditory Region of the Arctoid Carnivores. 29 3 1943 28 4 544 $10.00
Segall, W. Malleus (Ossiculum auditus) of the Anthropoid Apes. 31 14 1947 8 3 595 $8.00
Segall, W. Morphological Parallelisms of the Bulla and Auditory Ossicles in Some Insectivores and Marsupials. 51 16 1970 37 25 1086 $10.00
Segall, W. Auditory Region (Ossicles, Sinuses) in Gliding Mammals and Selected Representatives of Non-gliding Genera. 58 5 1971 33 14 1130 $6.00
Segall, W. Auditory Region in Bats Including Icaronycteris Index. 58 9 1971 6 2 1137 $6.00

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