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Author Title Volume Part Year Pages Illustrations Pub # Price
Schaeffer, B.; Dunkle, D. H.; McDonald, N. G. Ptycholepis marshi Newberry, a Chondrostean Fish from the Newark Group of Eastern North America. 33 12 1975 29 7 1220 $12.00
Schmidt, K. P. Fossil Turtle from Peru. 4 8 1931 6 2 299 $10.00
Schmidt, K. P. New Crocodilians from the Upper Paleocene of Western Colorado. 6 21 1938 8 2 421 $12.00
Schmidt, K. P. New Turtle of the Genus Podocnemis from the Cretaceous of Arkansas. 8 1 1940 12 5 473 $20.00
Schmidt, K. P. New Fossil Alligator from Nebraska. 8 4 1941 6 2 494 $10.00
Schmidt, K. P. Two New Thalassemyd Turtles from the Cretaceous of Arkansas. 8 11 1944 12 5 547 $15.00
Schmidt, K. P. New Turtle from the Paleocene of Colorado. 10 1 1945 4   572 $8.00
Schram, F. R. On Some phyllocarids and the Origin of the Hoplo-carida. 26 2 1973 18 9 1158 $10.00
Schram, F. R. Paleozoic Peracarida of North America. 33 6 1974 30 16 1197 $10.00
Schram, F. R. Some Notes on Pennsylvanian Crustaceans in the Illinois Basin. 35 3 1976 8 3 1227 $8.00
Schram, F. R. Arthropoda: Convergent Phenomenon. 39 4 1978 42 13 1287 $26.00
Schram, F. R. British Carboniferous Malaeostraea. 40   1979 129 57 1293 $36.00
Schultze, H.-P. Large Upper Devonian Arthrodires from Iran. 23 5 1973 26 6 1175 $8.00
Schultze, H.-P. Megapleuron zangerli. A New Dipnoan from the Pennsylvanian, Illinois. 33 21 1977 21 11 1248 $10.00
Segall, W. External morphology of the Inner Ear in Bats from the Phosphorites of Quercy. 33 4 1974 23 7 1191 $10.00
Seltin, R. J. Review of the Family Captorhinidae. 10 34 1959 49 15 878 $16.00
Shabica, C. W. Sedimentary Structures from the Carbondale Formation (Middle Pennsylvanian of northern Illinois). 33 29 1978 28 6 1278 $12.00
Simmons, D. J. Non-therapsid Reptiles of the Lufeng Basin, Yunnan, China. 15 1 1965 93 12 990 $28.00
Sinclair, G. W. Classification of the Conularida. 10 13 1952 11 1 692 $10.00
Sloan, R. E. Carboniferous Gastropod Genus Glabrocingulum Thomas. 10 22 1955 7 5 780 $8.00
Slocom, A. W. List of Devonian Fossils Collected in Western New York, with Notes on their Stratigraphic Distribution. 2 8 1906 9 2 113 $12.00
Slocom, A. W. Hypsocrinus, a New Genus of Crinoids from the Devonian. 2 9 1906 5 1 114 $12.00
Slocom, A. W. New Crinoids from the Chicago Area. 2 10 1907 33 15 123 $18.00
Slocom, A. W. New echinoids from the Ripley Group of Mississippi. 4 1 1909 16 3 134 $12.00
Slocom, A. W. New Trilobites from the Maquoketa Beds of Fayette County, Iowa. 4 3 1913 14 7 171 $20.00
Sohn, I. G. Paraparchites Mazonensis n. sp. (Ostracoda) from Middle Pennsylvanian Iron Stone Concretions of Illinois. 37 2 1977 17 10 1263 $8.00

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