Geology (R1)
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R1 (sorted by author)

Author Title Volume Part Year Pages Illustrations Pub # Price
Radinsky, L. Brain of Mesonyx, a Middle Eocene Mesonychid condylarth. 33 18 1976 16 4 1226 $8.00
Reed, C. A. New Species of the Fossorial Mammal Arctoryctes from the Oligocene of Colorado. 10 24 1956 7 1 793 $8.00
Reed, C. A. Arctoryctes and Some other Chadronian Vertebrate MicroFossils from Nebraska. 14 3 1960 17 6 907 $12.00
Reed, C. A. & Falk, D. Stature and Weight of Sterkfontein 14, a Gracile Australopithecine from Transvaal, as Determined from the Innominate Bone. 33 23 1977 18 2 1252 $10.00
Reed, C. A. & Turnbull, W. D. Mammalian Genera Arctoryctes and Cryptoryctes from the Oligocene and Miocene of North America. 15 2 1965 72 21 993 $24.00
Reeder, W. G. Two New Rodent Genera from the Oligocene White River Formation (Family Heteromyidae). 10 35 1960 14 7 890 $10.00
Reguero. M Small Archaeohyracisds (Typotheria, Notoungulata) from Chubut Province, Implications for Tmas-Andean Temporal Correlation. 48   2003 17 7 1526 $10.00
Richards, R. L. & Turnbull, W. D. Giant Short-faced Bear (Arctodus simus yukonensis) Remains from Fulton County, Northern Indiana. 30   1995 34 20 1465 $10.00
Richardson, E. S. New Silurian Trilobite, Dalmanites Oklahomae. 10 7 1949 4 1 629 $10.00
Richardson, E. S. Some Lower Huronian Stromatolites of northern Michigan. 10 8 1949 16   637 $20.00
Richardson, E. S. Middle Devonian Octactinellid Sponge from New York. 10 10 1950 10 5 650 $15.00
Richardson, E. S. Note on an Eocene crab Harpactocarcinus mississippiensis Rathbun. 10 20 1954 5 4 744 $10.00
Richardson, E. S. Pennsylvanian in Vertebrates of the Mazon Creek Area, Illinois. Trilobitomorpha, Arthropleurida, II. 12 5 1959 6 2 869 $15.00
Rieppel, O. Status of the Pachypleurosauroid Psilotrachelosaurus toeplitschi Nopcsa (Reptilia, Sauropterygia), from the Middle Triassic of Austria. 27   1993 17 9 1448 $10.00
Rieppel, O. Osteology of Simosaurus gaillardoti and the Relationships of Stem-group Sauropterygia. 28   1994 85 71 1462 $18.00
Rieppel, O. Genus Placodus: Systematics, Morphology, Paleobio-Geography, and Paleobiology. 31   1995 44 47 1472 $12.00
Rieppel, O. Revision of the Sauropterygian Reptile Genus Cymatosaurus v. Fritsch, 1894, and the Relationships of Germanosaurus Nopcsa, 1928, from the Middle Triassic of Europe. 36   1997 38 16 1484 $11.00
Rieppel, O. Status of the Sauropterygian Reptile Genera Ceresiosaurus, Lariosaurus, and Silvestrosaurus from the Middle Triassic of Europe. 38   1998 46 21 1490 $15.00
Rieppel, O. The Cranial Anatomy of Placochelys pplacodonta Jaekel, 1902, and a Review of the Cyamodontoidea (Reptilia, Placodonta). 45   2001 103 39 1514 $30.00
Rieppel, O. Intramandibular Joint in Squamates, and the Phylogenetic Relationships of the Fossil Snake Pachyrhachis problematicus Haas. 43   2000 69 17 1507 $23.00
Rieppel, O. The Dermal Armor of the Cyamodontoid Placodonts (Reptilia, Sauropterygia): Morphology and Systematic Value. 46   2002 41 31 1517 $12.00
Rieppel, O. & Kebang, L. Pachypleurosaurs (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) from the Lower Muschelkalk, and a Review of the Pachy-pleurosauroidea. 32   1995 44 28 1473 $12.00
Rieppel, O. & Wild, R. Revision of the Genus Nothosaurus (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) from the Germanic Triassic, with Comments on the Status of Conchiosaurus clavatus. 34   1996 82 66 1479 $17.00
Rieppel, O. Vecchia, F. Marine Reptiles from the Triassic of the Tre Venezie Area, Northeastern Italy. 44   2001 25 29 1511 $10.00
Rieppel, O., Mazin, J.-M., Tchernov, E. Sauropterygia from the Middle Triassic of Makhtesh Ramon, Negev, Israel. 40   1999 85 77 1499 $40.00

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