Welcome to our online store.
We have been an Antiquarian Bookseller for the last 16 years
buying/selling books, manuscripts and related material. Although our
specialty is Natural History books, we also deal in books on
many different subjects. Our business is primarily mail order with an
occasional visitor by appointment.
Fortsas Books is the
official distributor of the
�s scientific journal Fieldiana. There are over 1170
titles from this wonderful institution now available on our
website. Some date back as far as the late 1800s. These are all
original printings, not reprints or facsimile.
We are always interested in
buying books, individual volumes or entire collections. If
you have additional questions, please email info@fortsasbooks.com.
have bought the entire stock of the John Barlow Mineral Collection book.
Limited Signed Edition $200. Linen
Edition $75.00
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Purchase Orders or checks on U.S. bank. Thank you.